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Latest Research & Whitepapers Entrepreneur Strengths Study: Results from a Preliminary Study of the Brief Signature Strengths and GRIT-S Scale of Seasoned Entrepreneurs, 2011.
Entrepreneur Strengths Study: Results from a Preliminary Study of the Brief Signature Strengths and GRIT-S Scale of Seasoned Entrepreneurs, 2011.

Entrepreneur Strengths Study: Results from a Preliminary Study of the Brief Signature Strengths and GRIT-S Scale of Seasoned Entrepreneurs, 2011.

July 16, 2018

A unique preliminary study on the VIA Signature Strengths of Entrepreneurs. Do seasoned successful entrepreneurs exhibit a blend of unique signature character strengths and persistence compared to the general population? Are there affirmative characteristics that they share? When it comes to character, what are the different components of character specific to entrepreneurs?

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