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Positive Enterprise Value Blog What Time Is It?
What Time Is It? Video

What Time Is It?

December 15, 2020

5 minute watch

Portsmouth, NH

What Time Is It? What Time Is It, anyway? Hey, WHAT TIME IS IT?

In meetings with Bigelow friends / clients, or up and down the hallways of our Firm, you frequently hear this question.  What does it mean? Answering it may be the most important thing you do as a business owner. In this fast paced 5 minute video, Bigelow’s Co-CEO Rob MacLeod colorfully describes just what we mean when we ask, ”What Time Is It?”: in your industry, for your enterprise, and for you personally, the Entrepreneur Owner-Manager. This is probably our most popular piece of immediately useful intellectual property; see if you like it.


What I am Reading / Listening to

Contributed by Denise C. Burke

In the last post I shared with you how I gravitated towards thrillers for my summer reading list and showcased two of my favorites.  Well, I realized two were not enough and I just had to share two more that I would highly recommend.

The Guest List (2020)
By Lucy Foley

A murder occurs at a wedding celebration on an island off the coast of Ireland.  The story is told by multiple members of the guest list including the bride, bridesmaid, best man, wedding planner, and the plus-one.  All have secrets and motives that slowly emerge as the story unfolds.  A page turner with an ending I didn’t see coming.

Pretty Things (2020)
By Janelle Brown

This story is told by two women: Nina, a con-artist who gave up on the idea of finding a lucrative career with her liberal arts education, and Vanessa, a materialistic heiress who becomes an Instagram influencer.  Nina, alongside her boyfriend, uses Instagram to find wealthy targets for her scams.  Vanessa is Nina’s target, and it’s personal.  Nina and her boyfriend rent the caretaker’s cabin on Vanessa’s family estate in Lake Tahoe and get to work.  But who is conning who? Overall, this story is full of deceit and interesting characters including Vanessa’s mentally unstable brother and Nina’s cancer stricken con-artist mother.

Entrepreneur Owner-Manager Quote

“I'm sure you've heard this 100 times, but all the things I was worried about at the beginning, like employee reaction and limiting the number of people who knew, were all pretty much unwarranted.”

-Cary Corkin, President, The Entwistle Company


Energy Creation

What Is Giving Me Positive Energy Right Now?

Trading the World The Way It Was Pre-Quarantine (imperfect by any standard) for the perfect opportunity to unlock potential?

Trading the World of 1940-2020 for the World of 2021-2100?

Trading the World of Quarantine Resistance for Adaptation?

Trading the World of Expectation for Appreciation?

2020 slammed the door shut on an era (it might take a longer post, but I’d argue the 1940 -2020 era was coming to a close anyway, and the Quarantine slammed the door on it). The 1940-2020 era was characterized by the dominance of the bureaucratic world—from widely held public companies (managed by agents with little or no skin in the game) to the huge layered entitled quagmire that we call our governments (local, state, federal – all managed by agents with no skin in the game).

The next era is all about skin in the game. How do we as Entrepreneur Owner-Managers turn 2021 into an avalanche of opportunity where we grow into our unique abilities, be willing to contribute the generous gift of authoritative leadership*, intelligently using technology to reach more who will benefit from our positive energy than ever before?

*Thank you to our friend Angela Duckworth for contributing the term Authoritative Leadership (as opposed to Authoritarian Leadership for example).

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