44 minute listen
Portsmouth, NH & Los Angeles, CA
At the Positive Enterprise Value podcast we are trying a little experiment. I am going to do a handful of very short rapid-fire interviews with EOMs which I am calling Quarantine Learnings.
Why do this?
In the domains we work in, i.e., the Entrepreneur Economy, positive psychology, and behavioral finance, the future cannot be predicted; it is not knowable (unlike physics or astronomy for instance). No one living has ever experienced a viral epidemic or fear epidemic like the last 120 days.
Each of us has had to modify our lives and the businesses we own really quickly in the past 120 days. I’ve been inspired and exhilarated by Entrepreneur Owner-Manager’s GRIT, positive essence—in short, character—using this virus predicament to rethink or accelerate positive change in their approach to their marketplace and to Enterprise Value and Positive Legacy.
Today’s Quarantine Learnings podcast is with Maxx Bricklin, Principal at BOLD Capital Partners based in Los Angeles, California. BOLD Capital Partners manages a family of funds targeting investments in early stage and growth technology companies. They have a particular interest in entrepreneurial leaders who leverage exponential technologies to transform the world and create innovative solutions to humanity’s grand challenges. Listen here as Maxx describes some of his learnings, both personal and professional, during the quarantine.
Listen to the interview here:
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