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Positive Enterprise Value Blog Deliberate Practice* = Exponential Outcomes
Deliberate Practice* = Exponential Outcomes

Deliberate Practice* = Exponential Outcomes

October 31, 2022

2 minute read & watch

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

This week I have the fun of attending and being a featured speaker at this year’s annual event of the Genius Network®.  For those of you not familiar with it, it is an exclusive group of High-Level Entrepreneurs who meet to get their next BIG breakthrough...gain access to Connection, Contribution, and Collaboration.  As Joe Polish, the creator and founder, describes it, it is the place where you exponentially grow your income, get solutions to EVERY ONE of your personal and professional problems, nurture your most critical connections, and wake up to your own TRUE Genius.  Pretty powerful, right?

As an Entrepreneur Owner-Manager myself, I am always looking for opportunities to improve upon my craft, learn from other EOMs, and push my limits.  Spending three days in Arizona at the event will do just that.  Its is a huge commitment (in many ways…time, financial, energy, etc.), but one I make knowing the results will be exponential.

Check out this brief video Joe shared with me of the other speakers I have the honor of being with.  Pretty incredible, right?

Joe Polish is one of the most sought-after marketers alive today.  Known for his ability to connect with almost anyone on the planet, he leverages his networking prowess to bring together the top industry transformers and leaders in the world. His mission is to change the global conversation around addiction and recovery from one of judgment to one of compassion. Learn more here

Check out Joe’s new book that releases tomorrow 

*Angela Duckworth describes Deliberate Practice as a cycle which begins with a “stretch goal,” a 100% focus on attaining that goal, getting feedback, and then reflecting on that feedback and refining one's practice as needed.

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