The Eleventh Annual Bigelow Forum was held on Thursday, September 13 and Friday, September 14 at the Wentworth by the Sea in New Castle, NH.
Steven Pinker opened our 2018 Forum with a keynote speech centered around his recent book, New York Times Bestseller, Enlightenment Now. Pinker’s book includes hard data that concludes that the world is better off than ever before despite the media’s constant exposure to negative events and inaccurate statistics.
Pete Worrell conducted an interview of Steven Pinker after his speech, offering deeper insights into Pinker’s thinking about writing the book and the topics contained within, as well as offering an opportunity for the audience to ask questions of the author. Listen to it here.
Friday morning brought Stephen McGee’s spirited panel of four Entrepreneur Owner-Managers who have completed transactions: Allison Hooper (Vermont Creamery, Inc.); Chet Jordan (Digital Architecture, Inc.); Jay Jacobs (RAPID Manufacturing Group, LLC); and Mike Trigilio (Associated Home Care, Inc.) Listen to the panel conversation.